February 2010 Results

I started the month at 179.6 and ended the month at 183. My BMI is greater than 25 and unfortunately, going up.

Exercise 3 times a week.
This is an easy one to do. Especially when paying for it.

Count calories 4 times a week.
Didn’t do it. Too lazy.

Walk 5000 steps per day 4 times a week.
This is another easy one to do. This is so easy because I have built walking into my work life. I have 2 standing appointments to go walk at 09:30 and 14:00.

Train 3 times a week. (One Hundred Push Ups)
Hard to do. I get up to 2 times and then fail to finish the last one.

Test once a week. (One Hundred Push Ups)
I’ve done this.

3 out of 5 ain’t bad. However, going up in weight ain’t good.